Expert Tips on Raising Kids

Family having fun at home

At one time or another, every parent has felt like they were doing it all wrong. Let experts be your instruction manual. From teaching kids to think or talking about kids volunteering, expert interviews can guide you through topics in parenting, school and even health.

Expert Tips for Parents

Parenting is a cake walk, said no parent ever. Parenting is hard. Make it a little easier by exploring expert advice on topics from traveling with kids to budget shopping. These experts are the top in their field and can provide you with priceless tips and tricks for finding deals or even stopping bedwetting. You can even pick Keith Ablow's brain about step-parenting. Think of these interviews as an instruction manual to helping you get through those tough parenting moments.

Kid Friendly Cooking

Do you have a picky eater? Finding foods that your kids love can be a nightmare when all they want to eat is chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. However, Barbara Beery can offer tips for cooking with kids. She can help you explore creating healthy eating habits in your littles and how to handle those dreaded picky eaters. You can even get birthday cake creation advice from the unique and creative styling of Flour Girl!

Choosing a Summer Camp

Does your kid want to go to summer camp? Are you worried? Reading an interview with a summer camp director or how to choose a summer camp from an expert, can easily calm your anxiety. Get useful information on finding the right camp to fill your child's needs. You'll also get advice on visiting the camp and meeting with the director.

Safety Tips

Every time your little is out of your sight; you can't help but worry about them. It's part of being a parent. And with the all the things you have to worry about, it is no wonder. Watching the news can elicit a panic attack in any parent. Be prepared for everything by keeping up to date on safety tips on stranger danger along with the hidden dangers of technology. Dive into sports safety tips as well. Keeping your kids happy and healthy is all a parent can ask for.

Education Expertise

Should you homeschool? Are school uniforms that great? School can bring up a lot of new questions when it comes to your kids. Experts like Andie Beattie can tell you the pros and cons of school uniforms while Anna Hayes can help you get through the first day. Author Tamra Orr will even walk you through whether homeschooling might be the right choice for you. You are never alone with these experts at your fingertips.

Dealing With Bullying

If your child has ever been bullied, you know how hard it can be. Not only can it kill any self-esteem building you've done but it can even lead to child depression. And sometimes, you just don't know what to do to stop kid bullying. Learn some ways that you can handle bullying through how to report it, prevent it and what your reaction should be.

Expert Tips on Health Issues

Medical information and advice seems to change on a daily basis. Turn to experts to help you through issues that your child might be dealing with. For example, Dr. Vicki Panaccione can walk you through dealing with ADHD while Jeff Cohen can offer you direct parent advice on steps to take for a child with Asperger Syndrome. No matter the health needs of your child, an expert is there to guide you.

Getting Expert Advice

Kids don't come with an instruction manual. Experts on kids are the next best thing. While every little is different, these experts can give you a nudge in the right direction.

Expert Tips on Raising Kids